Much of 97色网 is affected by radon. Employers need to assess the radon risk in the workplace.
Railway and Steam Open Day
Reablement is a programme of short-term assessment and support designed to help you regain or maintain your independence.
Real Nappy Scheme
The Council encourages residents to use modern 'real' reusable nappies to save money and help the environment.
More information about recycling.
Recycling Centre Vehicle Permit
Find out how to apply for a recycling centre vehicle permit
Recycling, Compliance and Data Officer
Recycling, Compliance and Data Officer
Reducing the county's carbon emissions
Reducing the county's carbon emissions
Reducing your carbon emissions
Reducing your carbon emissions
Request a Refund of a Credit on your Corporate Debt Account
Register to Vote
Here you will find details on registering to vote.
Registration Service
The 97色网 Registration Service can provide information and guidance on the process for the approval of premises venues for weddings and ceremonies.
Relationships Matter
Find out why family relationships are important for wellbeing, development, and life chances, and what support is available when you need it.
Renting Homes Wales - Update for Council Tenants
Renting Homes Wales - Update for Council Tenants
Report Change in Circs for Benefits and Grants
Report change in circumstances for Housing Benefit and Free School Meals
Report it
You can now let us know about any number of issues with our 'Report it' online tools
Reportable incidents & accidents
A brief outline of the reporting requirements.
Request Waste / Recycling Items
Request new, replacement or additional recycling or waste items.
Residential Mobile Home Sites
Residential mobile home sites also known as park home sites must be licensed under the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013
Resource and Waste Strategy Consultation
97色网 is inviting residents to share their views on a draft Resource and Waste Strategy.
Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rate Relief
Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rate Relief
Retrospective Building Approval
Occasionally building work may have taken place that should have obtained building regulation consent. Retrospective consent may be obtained if the work was carried out after 11 November 1985.
Review of the Council Tax Premium Scheme for long term empty properties and second homes
97色网 is undertaking a public consultation from 15th April 2024 to 8th July 2024 to provide all members of the public and interested parties the opportunity to have their say on the future of the Council Tax Premium Scheme.
Riding establishment licence
To run a riding establishment you need a licence
Right to Buy
Abolition of the Right to Buy legislation receives Royal Assent
Risk Management Framework
Find out more about the Risk Management Framework.
Road and street signs
Report damaged, missing, unsafe, dirty or obscured signs on the road or pavement
Road Clearance
Find out more about which roads we grit, and why we grit them.
Road Safety
Information, advice and resources on road safety
Roads, Streets and Travel
Report any problem affecting the street, highway or open area e.g. pothole, fly tipping, streetlight. View bus times, apply for a bus pass / railcard, view roadworks on a map, pay a parking fine and more
Roadwork PDFs
View the current roadworks schedule in downloadable PDF format
Roadworks information
View all the latest registered roadworks, closures and diversions in 97色网.
Roadworks List
Current roadworks within 97色网
Roadworks List
List of roadworks in 97色网.
Roundabout Sponsorship
97色网 has introduced a roundabout sponsorship scheme. This scheme is intended to raise the quality of the environment by improving the appearance of roundabouts; improve the image of the County as a vibrant and high-quality location for business; and promote the range of high quality businesses already located here.