You can now let us know about any number of issues with our 'Report it' online tools
Have you seen dog muck in a public place? Let us know online.
Report a fault with a street light, illuminated bollard / traffic sign.
Fly tipping is the unauthorised deposit of waste on land. It ranges from one fridge/black bag on the side of the highway to tonnes of rubble dumped at your local beauty spot.
Report an issue with an establishment where food is either cooked, eaten or sold.
You can report missed collections or any other kind of collection problem to us (including kerbside, assisted, clinical and bulky items/furniture.
We will remove discarded needles, syringes and other drug related items from public land including educational premises if they are closed. We will not remove needles or sharps dumped on private property.
Report a problem with rats, mice, wasps etc.
Online report form - Potholes, Pavement and Road Defects
Report concerns about counterfeit goods, bogus callers, product safety etc.
If you know or suspect a shop is making illegal under-age sales you can report your suspicions to Trading Standards.